Iraq Orphan Project
“Whomsoever provides for an orphan in this life, he and I will live like brothers in the next.”
– Saying of the Prophet Muhammad (upon him be peace)
Our signature program, the Iraq Orphans Project (IOP) works within – not against – cultural and religious norms for a working solution to one of Iraqs’ most intractable problems – an estimated 2.5 to 5 million orphans in 2008. Instead of adoptions or orphanages – frowned-upon last resorts – the Foundation supports families who have taken on the responsibility of caring for the children of deceased loved ones. Food, medicine, and material support reach the families through a network of on-the-ground distribution and validation partners, including three of the oldest and most respected charitable organizations in Iraq. Through them and others, we are supporting orphans with one-year sponsorships in locations from Mosul to Basrah, the Orphans’ Khayrat al-Mosul Village, the Dar Al Amin Iraqi Safe House for Orphans in Sadr City, and individual families of widows and orphaned girls.
Mauritania – Alalusi Foundation provided support for basic education to schools, students and teachers in Mauritania at Dar al-Salam Mahdara Village School in Kifa.
Somalia – Alalusi Foundation provided support for basic education to schools in Somalia at Hawa Abdi Foundation Refugee Village near Mogadishu. Alalusi Foundation is currently providing ongoing support to the Gargaar Centre at Xhadhadhan in the northern Somaliland province.
Afghanistan – Alalusi Foundation supports the educational mission of two schools in Afghanistan via the Children of Afghanistan Hope Project. The schools provide orphan boys and women with basic education and technical training.
Higher Education – Alalusi Foundation provides higher education allowances to selected students with special economic needs who show great academic promise in technical and medical sciences.
Specialized Medical Care
Alalusi Foundation arranges specialized medical treatment for individuals who need life-saving surgeries in Iraq and Jordan and for refugee children from the Middle East who cannot be treated in their home countries, by finding physicians and medical centers willing to donate treatment, medicines, and prostheses, arranging travel, and providing support and living arrangements for patients and their family members during treatment.
Water Well Projects
In Mauritania, Alalusi Foundation has supported the drilling of over 50 new water wells with infrastructure for villages. While continuing this ongoing project in West Africa, we have also established similar efforts in Somalia.
Somalia Medical Relief
Alalusi Foundation shipped a full container load of medical equipment and supplies to the 450-bed Hawa Abdi Foundation Hospital near Mogadishu, as well as funding staff, and assisting with long-term development support. The Foundation also sent equipment, supplies, and funding for staff to a rural clinic in Xhadhadhan, which provides maternity care and basic medical care, as well as basic education, to a population which has never previously had any healthcare facility.
Refugee Assistance
Alalusi Foundation provides ongoing assistance to families of Iraqi and Syrian refugees in Jordan, and in the U.S., with assistance with housing, vehicles, medical, and educational expenses.