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2017  · Alalusi Foundation Medical Mission to Amman, Jordan, April 15 – 29, 2017 This Alalusi Foundation-sponsored mission to Jordan brought a team of audiology experts and technicians.   Eighty hearing aids and audiology devices were fitted and  distributed, about 35 or 40 at the Souriyat Across Borders (SAB) center in Amman, and the rest in several days at refugee camps elsewhere in Jordan. Medical Mission Team psychiatrists, Dr. Saad Shakir, and  Dr. Hala Fattah saw patients, mostly Iraqi refugees, at the Noor Al Hussein Foundation - Institute of Family Health (NHF/IFH) facility, at the SAB center, and at the Homs League Abroad center (HLA).  HLA was established by Homs descendants  long before the recent revolution in Syria. Since then, they have established a center in Amman, two in Lebanon, and three in Turkey. Their Amman operation has a sizable building that houses 28 families – widows and children, or grandmothers and grandchildren. Alalusi Foundation has been working to assist this group since we first learned about them. Brian Hickman, a physical therapy specialist for Alameda County, joined us on this trip. He spent his time between the HLA and SAB centers,. He brought back a number of reports on individual cases for Dr. Lance Stone to take a deeper look at. Dr. Haifaa Younus, Ob-Gyn, joined us for a few days to explore and evaluate the situation, and she ended up seeing a number of patients at HLA. Maggie Conroy, an art therapist, joined us on this trip to help with the Syrian children at SAB and in the camps. She returned with a number of pieces of art work that she intends to exhibit.  Maggie assisted every day with the audiology group, and separately at the SAB and HLA centers. Two professional videographers, Barbara Beck and Sophie Harris, joined us on this tip, to prepare documentary video clips of the various activities. Shortly we should have these videos available at our website. CPR Team  member, Saadia Hameed discovered HLA November 2016during her visit to Amman to participate in the Queen Rania Academy Conference, where she gave a workshop.  She established an art room at the SAB center during that trip.  Since then, Saadia has been very busy raising funds to establish an art room and playground for the children at the HLA center.  Saadis organized the Rooms of Resiliance and Zakat for Widows Projects to support the efforts at the  Souriyat Across Borders and  Homs League Abroad centers in Jordan. · Alalusi Foundation Somalia Projects - The Xadhadhan School and Clinic continue to function, but the region has suffered from severe drought. Most of the local livestock died because of the scarcity of water and fodder. The Clinic and Echool have worked to prevent displacement of the local population. The situation became more grave with the spread of cholera, first in Buhodia and then spreading to Xadhadhan. The Clinic was able to provide IV fluids to treat cholera victims, and more importantly, educated the population on hygienic measures to keep themselves and the community safe, prevent contamination of water sources, and stop the spread of water-borne diseases. Thankfully, rain came in mid-April, and the severe drought was somewhat relieved.  The wells and pumps installed in the last year by the Hadhadhan Community  Farming Project were of critical importance to the community in the drought crisis.
2016  · Iraq Orphans Project:  Alalusi Foundation's Iraq Orphans Project has made steady progress, and  has provided over 3,457  sponsorships to orphans throughout Iraq, including support to Dar Al Amin Iraqi Safe House for Orphans in Sadr City (featured in the critically acclaimed documentary,  "In My Mother's Arms”).  We have continued to make steady progress, with the exception of Mosul, where operations have had to be suspended.  · Jordan - The Second CPR - Care Program for Refugees Training Program on PTSD Diagnosis and Treatment was held in Amman, Jordan, from 22 to 26 May, in partnership with the Institute for Family Health of Noor Al Hussein Foundation of Jordan. Five team members from the San Francisco Bay Area, led by our Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Saad Shakir, M.D., trained participant from various groups and hospitals in Jordan, including two M.D.s from the U.A.E.  The intensive training program took five full days, with lectures in the mornings, and workshops each afternoon. Seventy-five trainees were awarded certificates upon completion of the trainings.  The seminars and training sessions were supplemented by visits with interviews and assessments with refugees from camps around Amman.  · In August, an Alalusi Foundation sponsored Anti-Smoking Program gave presentations for refugee clients and staff at at the Souriyat Across Borders center in Amman.  This is an ongoing project, which we hope will continue and expand throughout Jordan.  · In November, a member of the CPR Project team conducted a special 10-day visit to the Souriyat Across Borders Refugee Center in Amman, to stay and be with the patients directly.  · Jordan Hearing Assistance Project  In partnership with Life-USA, Pacific Hearing Service, and Entheos, Alalusi Foundation brought a team of audiologists and technicians from the U.S., and two ENT specialists from UK, to Jordan in mid-August.  The Hearing Assistance Project team split into two teams who went daily to refugee camps outside Amman. On the last day of the mission, both groups spent all day at the Souriyat Across Borders refugee center in Amman, where 50 advanced hearing aids were distributed to children who had come to the center  All together, a total of 240 children were fitted with hearing aids, and supplied with batteries.    · Greece Refugee Legal Assistance   During 2016, Alalusi Foundation  began a partnership with the Pro Bono division of Reed-Smith LLP, a Pittsburg, PA based international legal firm which has been providing legal assistance to Iraqi and Syrian refugees in the Greek Isles. Initially, Alalusi Foundation helped provide translators to assist Reed-Smith's work, and the Foundation has continued providing financial support for their operations in Greece, which has sent teams of dozens of attorneys and translators to assist 100s of refugees in filing visa and asylum applications, and representing them in hearings and appeals. The work has won many cases for vulnerable refugees, including many torture survivors.  Right now there are 15,000 refugees trapped on the islands of Greece and another 55,000 on the mainland. All of them need legal counsel.  · Somalia – Xadhadhan Clinic and School Project continues providing medical services and training midwives, as well as providing schooling to high-school level for girls and boys, and vocational training to a growing number of women at Xadhadhan and Bunhoodie. The students are receiving meals as well as classes.  The Hadhadhan Community  Farming Project began providing pumps and hoses for irrigating fields near the clinic to grow a variety of crops for the community.  · Medical Assistance –  Alalusi Foundation has continued to arrange special medical treatment for individual refugees in the Middle East, Europe, and North America  · Educational Assistance –  Alalusi Foundation continues to assist selected individuals in continuing their higher education, both here in the United States, and abroad.

 · End of January – The Iraq Orphans Project is now sponsoring over 920 orphans in locations from Mosul to Basrah, providing regular support direct to their caregiver families.

 · February – Alalusi Foundation provided start-up assistance to the Timelist Group, a new California non-profit providing self-help training for inmates in California prisons, and re-entry assistance for parolees.

 · March – The Iraq Orphans Project is now sponsoring over 1,100 orphans in Iraq.

 · April – The Palestine Children’s Relief – Huda Al Masri Pediatric Oncology Dept. opened on April 6, 2013 in Beit Jala Hospital, Palestine, aided by Alalusi Foundation funding.

 · End of April – The Iraq Orphans Project is now supporting over 1,500 orphans (with one-year sponsorships) in Iraq.

 · June – Alalusi Foundation began assisting a family of refugees who have been stranded without documents or resources in Turkey. We are working with the Iraqi Refugee Assistance Program (IRAP) to facilitate their case with the UNHCR and the Turkish government.

 · July – Ahmed Alkubaisi: In partnership with the International Organization for Migration (IOM) and International Rescue Committee (IRC), Alalusi Foundation is aiding the settlement in the U.S. of a 21-year-old Iraqi refugee, Ahmed Alkubaisi, who was wounded by a sniper's bullet and is confined to a wheelchair. Ahmed stayed for a few weeks in Highland Hospital in Oakland. Now, he is in Fairmont Hospital, a nursing facility in San Leandro. If you can, please visit him (15400 Foothill Blvd., San Leandro) in Building 3, Bed 29. (He’d appreciate Iraqi meals!) Eventually we are planning to find him an apartment or house equipped for wheelchair access, probably shared with others. In the long run, after he recovers from his severe bedsores, we are trying to find a surgeon who can specifically address his partially damaged spinal cord. Please call us if you can help in any way.

 · July 14 -  Alalusi Foundation organized a fundraising event for Unity Productions Foundation, for Michael Wolfes’ new film project, “All That Remains: A Story of Muslim Heroism From World War II”, the story of a young Muslim Woman, Noor Inayat Khan who served as a radio operator for the French Resistance. Betrayed by a double-agent, she was subjected to intensive interrogation, Classified by the Gestapo as “highly dangerous”, she was kept shackled and chained. She was executed at Dachau on 13 September, 1944. “All That Remains” is scheduled to be broadcast nationally on PBS in 2014.

 · September – The Iraq Orphans Project is now sponsoring over 1,800 Iraqi orphans.

 · November – The Iraq Orphans Project sponsored 64 more orphans.

 · Alalusi Foundation Iraq Orphans Project gave a grant of $150,000 to Feal Al Khayrat Society of Mosul, for construction of a residential facility for orphans at the Orphans’ Khayrat al-Mosul Village in Mosul, Iraq.

 · Somalia Clinics and Education Project: – Somali-American Intisar Ali R.N., and her sister Anab Husayn set up a small clinic in Hadhadhan (Xadhadhan), in a province of northern Somalia.The Hadhadhan Clinic, provides prenatal and midwifery services, basic medical services, basic education, with literacy classes for women and children, and vocational classes in use of sewing machines. The women at Hadhadhan have already begun making medical undergarments for postpartum mothers which are in great demand, and plans are underway to produce these for distribution at Hadhadhan and other clinics. Basic education classes in Hadhadhan include girls and boys as well as women. Intisaar then founded another, similar clinic at Buuhoodle near the Ethiopian border, which will also provide basic literacy and vocational education; and another clinic on the same model has been established at Aroley. Alalusi Foundation has provided continuing support to these projects since early in 2012.


 · Iraqi Refugees in Jordan - Fusayo Irikura originally travelled from Japan to Jordan as representative of the Women's Federation for World Peace (WFWP) - Jordan. She quickly became involved with the plight of Iraqi refugees there.. Fusayo decided to focus my NGOS's energy on providing English classes and a soccer club, after a conversation in which the community as a whole requested English-learning and soccer-playing opportunities. Five teams now receive weekly physical training, trauma counseling, and leadership training. It became apparent in 2006 that the situation of the Iraqi refugees was going to be long-term and very difficult. Fusayo moved to a small apartment in Hashemi al-Shimali, a refugee neighborhood in Amman, to better address their most prominent needs. She now coordinates English classes and aid distribution, as well as taking in youth who have been separated from their families in the resettlement process, and assisting refugee families and youth in finding medical treatment and psychological counseling. Many of the youth are forced to work illegally to survive; some have been arrested and even deported as a result. Those arrested require a Jordanian guarantor for their release, which often leads to situations of exploitation, where the guarantor's demand monetary compensation for their help, followed by threats. Employers have refused to pay salaries, knowing that without work permits, these boys cannot complain to the police without being deported as a result. Since mid-2012, Alalusi Foundation has been providing continuing support to Fusaya for her work with refugees in Jordan.

 · Alalusi Foundation awarded a $35,000 grant to Palestine Children’s Relief Fund (PCRF) for construction of a 4-bed ward in the Huda Al Masri Pediatric Oncology Clinic at Al Husein Hospital, Beit Jala, Palestine. Alalusi Foundation began providing support to Dar Al Amin Iraqi Safe House for Orphans, founded by Mr. Husham Hassan Althahpe, which cares for about 60 orphans in Sadr City (featured in the acclaimed documentary, “In My Mother’s Arms”), as well as supporting four families of widows and orphaned girls. Alalusi Foundation Iraq Orphans Project gave a grant of $16,000 to Feal Al Khayrat Society of Mosul, for construction of an Ophthalmology Clinic at the Orphans’ Khayrat al-Mosul Village in Mosul, Iraq. 

 · April – Alalusi Foundation also sent medical equipment, supplies, and funding for staff to the rural Gargaar Centre clinic in Xhadhadhan, Somalia which provides maternity care and basic medical care, as well as basic education, to a population which has never previously had any healthcare facility. This was supported by a group of Somalis headed by Intisar Ali, R.N.

 · April – Somalia Medical Relief – Alalusi Foundation shipped a full 40-foot container load of medical equipment and supplies to the 450-bed Hawa Abdi Foundation Hospital near Mogadishu, as well as funding staff, and assisting with long-term development support.

 · 2012 - Alalusi Foundation awarded a $2,000 grant to Crime Fighters Silicon Valley for investigation of hate crimes against Sikhs

 · February – The Iraq Orphans Project sponsored an additional 150 additional orphans, bringing our reach to 650 in total.

 · Alalusi Foundation continued supporting needy Iraqi refugees in Jordan, especially those with life-threatening illnesses, as well as aiding students.

 · Alalusi Foundation began extending help to Syrian refugees in Jordan.

 · Our support to special-condition Iraqi refugees in the U.S. is ongoing.

 · In addition to these projects, Alalusi Foundation has provided continuous ongoing funding support to a number of charities, nonprofit organizations, and NGOs:

 · Since 2008, Citizens Reach Out;

 · Since 2005, Children of Afghanistan Hope Project (CAHP); Muslim Advocates & Institute for Middle East Understanding (IMEU);

 · Since 2003 In Mauritania at Dar ul Salaam school and elsewhere, Alalusi Foundation has provided continued assistance to students and teachers, as well as providing materials and maintenance funding for water wells and supporting infrastructure improvements to villages;

 · Since 2002, North American Islamic Shelter for Abused (NISA);

 · Since 2001, Palestine Children’s Relief Fund (PCRF); Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC); Friends of Sabeel North America; Middle East Children’s Alliance (MECA); Glide Foundation, Bay Area Rescue Mission, and Contra Costa County Foodbank for their support for the homeless in the San Francisco Bay Area.


 · September - Over 500 Iraqi Orphans being sponsored through the Iraq Orphans Project. Phase I completed.

 · August - Iraq Orphans Project - 20 additional orphans being sponsored in Diwaniya Alalusi Foundation Iraq Orphans Project gave a grant of $10,000 to Feal Al Khayrat Society of Mosul, for construction of a kindergarten at the Orphans' Khayrat al-Mosul Village in Mosul, Iraq.

 · June - Iraq Orphans Project - 426 Iraqi Orphans being sponsored in Baghdad, Diala, Mosul, Anbar, Basra, and Kut.

 · May – Alalusi Foundation awarded a $4,000 grant to Friends of Sabeel, North America for funding their continuing outreach campaign.

 · April – Iraq Orphans Project - 349 Iraqi Orphans being sponsored in Baghdad, Diala, Mosul, Anbar and Basra.


 · December 2010 - Iraq Orphans Project - 244 Iraqi Orphans being sponsored, and blankets had been distributed to all these children and their families.

 · December - Alalusi Foundation gave $3,000 to Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC) to support its continuing programs of public education, outreach, and research.

 · September - Iraq Orphans Project - 110 Iraqi Orphans were being sponsored.

 · August - Alalusi Foundation organized a benefit event for the Iraq Orphans Project which was very successful, raising over $106,000 in donations and pledges for support of orphans in Iraq.

 · May - Iraq Orphans Project - 69 Iraqi Orphans were being sponsored.

 · April - Alalusi Foundation awarded a grant of $5,000 to the Arab Resource & Organizing Center (AROC) Arab Youth Organizing (AYO) program for staff support.

 · February - The Iraq Orphans Project - Phase I initiated.

 · 2010 - Alalusi Foundation granted $20,000 to Palestine Children's Relief Fund (PCRF)

 · 2010- Alalusi Foundation awarded a grant of $2,000 to Institute for Middle East Understanding (IMEU) for their public education initiatives.


 · April - Alalusi Foundation awarded a grant of $25,000 to Muslim Advocates for their educational assistance to mosques and non-profit Islamic organizations.

 · April 2009 - Iraq Medical Supplies Project shipment arrived in Baghdad on Saturday, April 25

 · 2009 - Alalusi Foundation granted $3,000 to Children of Afghanistan Hope Project (CAHP) for basic education programs in Afghanistan

 · February 2009 - Iraq Medical Supplies Project - On Tuesday morning, February 10, 2009, a full 40-foot container of medical supplies was picked up from Alalusi Foundation's Hayward facility and on it's way to Iraq. Leftover / date-expired materials not shipped to Iraq were donated to Vallecitos Center for Education and Training in Hayward, CA, for use in training medical technicians and nurses.


 · Oct - Nov 2008 - Iraq Medical Supplies Project With the assistance of the Iraq Action Group at University of San Francisco Medical Center, groups of up to 60 or more volunteers - doctors, nurses, and medical students - spent several weekends sorting & re-packaging the medical supplies

 · May - July 2008 - Iraq Medical Supplies Project began receiving truckloads of donated supplies, primarily from UC Davis Medical Center

 · April 2008 - Iraq Medical Supplies Project began solicitation of donations of medical equipment.

 · 2008 - Alalusi Foundation provided funding assistance to Arab Resource & Organizing Center (AROC)

 · 2008 - Alalusi Foundation provided funding support to Citizens Reach Out / Ruth Group to provide cochlear implant surgery to a young Iraqi boy who had lost his hearing in a U.S. bombing raid.


 · October - Alalusi Foundation Iraq Medical Supplies Project began research to obtain and deliver greatly needed medical equipment for in hospitals in Iraq, particularly equipment for operating rooms and surgeries.2006 - Alalusi Foundation provided additional funds to Timbuktu Educational Foundation for preservation and archiving of historic manuscripts in the ancient university city of Timbuktu

 · December - China Rural Livestock Assistance Program - A typical report from one of 18 families is that their four sheep (valued at $260 U.S.) had increased in three years to a flock of almost four dozen. They are earning income both from wool and sale of meat animals. They sold just part of their flock, earning about $1200 U.S., which allowed them to improve their house and drill a new well, and they still have their flock. The manure provides fertilizer, which they had previously been unable to afford. Garden yields are also greatly improved, further enriching the lives of the family.

 · August - Alalusi Foundation assisted the fundraising efforts of Palestine Children's Relief Fund (PCRF)

 · Alalusi Foundation awarded a grant of $45,000 to Islamic Networks Group (ING)

 · Alalusi Foundation provided grants to Timbuktu Educational Foundation for preservation and archiving of historic manuscripts in the ancient university city of Timbuktu.

 · During this year, also provided funding to Delancy Street.


 · August - Earthquake relief in Zhautong, Yunnan, China. - Alalusi Foundation provided funds for rebuilding homes and mosques, and distributed clothing and emergency supplies.


 · October - China Rural Livestock Assistance Program, Hanzhuang Village, Er Shi Li Pu Town, Yucheng, Shandong Province. Director: Haji Noor Deen Mi Guang Jiang. Alalusi Foundation assisted in purchase of sheep for distribution to needy rural village families. Needy families were identified, and each family was given 4 breeding sheep, under condition that the sheep not be slaughtered or sold for 5 years, and well cared for. The lambs bred by the sheep would belong to the families.

 · 2003 - Dar al-Salam Mahdara Village School, Kifa, Mauritania. - Alalusi Foundation assisted in purchase of land, construction of school buildings and housing for students and staff, drilling wells and installing solar-powered pumps, and establishing an endowment for support of staff and needy students, both with direct aid and assistance with fund raising in the U.S. The capacity of the traditional residential school was increased from 35 to 100 students, who range in age from primary schoolers to older adults. Some of the students became teaching assistants, and have gone on to be teachers themselves.